Deposit USDT and Earn (Farming)

This page is for depositors of USDT trying to earn USDT interest. How the contracts work and where funds flow is outlined here.

Providing liquidity to a stablecoin pool enables users to earn yield (interest paid) without impermanent loss (short term loss of value in principal funds). Stablz has chosen to build first on top of the largest, most used, and most liquid protocol for stablecoins in DeFi: Curve Finance. Stablz is built on a few pools with various APYs to provide investors with a variety of investment options. Providing liquidity to the Stablz farming pools means users do not have to claim their rewards and convert to stablecoins every x hours. The platform contracts automatically do so whenever the unharvested yield reaches a certain amount (may be changed to higher amount with higher gas fees on Ethereum). Currently, all yield is harvested from CRV and stored in 3CRV LP tokens to allow users to withdraw USDT/USDC/DAI.

Stablz has no lockups for liquidity deposited on this face of the platform. There are no deposit/withdrawal fees (aside from the ones Curve charges) on Stablz stablecoin pools. This page will be updated if that changes. Stablz earns a platform fee on user's generated yield. Currently it is set to 20% performance and automation fee, and the depositor earns 80% of their yield. The 20% is then distributed to the platform and to ecosystem participants as follows: 60% = Treasury (For development and marketing expenses) 20% = Buybacks 20%* = Staking rewards These figures may be updated in the future to reflect any changes from the team or governance proposals. *In the future, when referrals program is released, 10% will be staking rewards, and 10% will be referral rewards.

Currently the average stablecoin yield sits at 3-9% among our integrated pools. This means a user who deposits $100 would earn between $3 to $9 in a year, just by putting their liquidity to work on the platform. These earnings are paid in stablecoins. The platform provides much needed stablecoin depeg protection and automation to stablecoin farming.

Last updated